Privacy Policy
- In the case of receiving communications by these means (emails, automated response messages of forms, and other communication systems) we inform you that the messages are addressed exclusively to the recipient and may contain privileged or confidential information. If it is not you the indicated recipient is notified that the use, disclosure and/or copying without authorization is prohibited under current legislation.
- In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, and Directive 2002/58/CE, we inform you that in the event that you do not wish to receive communications and information of a commercial nature through this electronic communication system, you indicate it to us by this same way indicating in the subject “CANCELING COMMERCIAL COMMUNICATIONS” so that your personal data is removed from our database. Your request will be activated within 10 days of its delivery. In the event that we do not receive an express reply from you, we will understand that you accept and authorize our company to continue making the aforementioned communications.
- In compliance with the current legislation on Data Protection we indicate that the personal data that you voluntarily provide us by any of our means of information collection will be incorporated into automated and/or manual treatments.
- Of these treatments is Responsible Puerta Costas, S.A. with CIF/DNI A36103505 and its purposes Management of clients and/or potential clients, billing of services and/or products, management with suppliers, labor management, selection of candidates. The data will be kept for the duration of the relationship generated by said treatment or during the years necessary to comply with the legal obligations.
- We inform you that all the information you provide will be treated indistinctly by those responsible for treatment indicated for the purposes indicated below.
- The data provided will generally be maintained while maintaining the relationship that has generated the treatment or during the years necessary to comply with the legal obligations (see the conservation period for each purpose).
- The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation.
- You can request the protection of your rights that affect the processing of your personal data before the Spanish Agency for Data Protection C/ Jorge Juan, 6 28001-Madrid – FAX: 914483680- TELF: 901 100 099- E-mail:
- If you want more information regarding the processing of your data, rectify those that are inaccurate, oppose and/or limit any treatment that you consider is not necessary, or request the cancellation of the treatment when the data is no longer necessary, you can write (always proving your identity) to: Puerta Costas, S.A. in Cebral-Petelos, s/n. Mos, Pontevedra, 36415.
- We detail below the purposes of data processing carried out by any or all of the Treatment Managers listed above:
- LABOR MANAGEMENT: Management of the employment relationship with employees; processing of the necessary data for the maintenance of the employment relationship: payroll management, training … The data provided will be kept for the periods provided by tax and labor legislation and those necessary to comply with legal obligations.
- ACCOUNTING FISCAL MANAGEMENT: Management of the necessary data for compliance with the fiscal and accounting obligations of the company. The data will be retained the terms provided by the tax legislation.
- CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT: To be able to provide the contracted services and invoice them. The data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or during the years necessary to comply with the legal obligations.
- MANAGEMENT OF POSSIBLE CUSTOMERS: To be able to send to possible clients publicity related to our products and services by any available means, to send budgets of services and/or products, and to invite them to events of their interest. The data provided will be kept as long as it does not request the termination of said treatment.
- VIDEO SURVEILLANCE: security of people and assets of the company. Images captured by the video surveillance system installed in order to protect the assets of the company. The data will be kept for a maximum of one month after its recording.